Saturday, January 29, 2011

A Date With My Boy

It feels like it's been forever since my son and I have left the world of day-to-day errand running and did something special.

Despite heavy snowfall, we braved slippery driving conditions (I ended up slipping into the street, and my car was stuck for a short period at a 45 degree angle) to go to Gymboree.  He was mesmerized by all of the things to climb, balls to to throw and the slides and parachute.  He didn't particularly care for the other kids, but the opportunity to just go and play made him very happy.  He thought the parachute was particularly fun, and I think that Dad being there made it extra-special.

Daddy and I decided that even though our budget was particularly tight, we would enroll him in a weekly class to help him develop his social skills and give him time to just be a kid.

After the class, T and I went to paint pottery.   I was a little concerned about the roads, but the pottery place wasn't too far away, and I thought he'd enjoy it.  I was right.  He LOVED painting his turtle and pig... and something secret and special for Daddy for Valentine's Day... shhh...

Given the chilly temperatures, we decided to go for hot chocolate, run a few errands (we couldn't get away with not buying a few small grocery items), and head home... where he promptly took a nap.

It felt good to enjoy his company and explore again.  It reminded me how wonderful it is to be a Mom.


  1. Aww, sounds like a wonderful day. I'm looking forward to spending special days like that with Kai.

  2. Jenni, those days will come soon...Much sooner than you'd ever think. Being a Mommy is so much fun, but they grow so quickly. You have to try to enjoy every minute as much as you can (some days are harder than others) because one day you look back and find it hard to believe that the little person is no longer a baby, but a big boy.
