Battling this virus and trying to minimise work-related stress has contributed to my neurological issues, so now I'm on sick leave until I feel better. I hope this fog lifts quickly. It's hard to feel sick and be a Mom of an active and energetic three year old. I can't meet his needs as much as I feel I should. But, I know I have to get better - if not for my own sake, for his.
Not sure how long I'll be off - at least until the end of the month, when I see my own doctor and complete insurance forms. When you're accustomed to working almost all of the time, sick leave isn't a welcome respite. It's a time wrought with guilt for not being able to get things done - either at the office or at home. All I want to do is get better, so things can go back to normal... My normal at least.
My fingers are crossed for a speedy recovery.
My fingers are crossed for you too.