Tuesday, April 26, 2011


I know so many people going through such angst, heartache, strife and stress right now, that I sure don't feel sorry for those with a litany of First World complaints. Please cram some Perspective Pie down yon gullets.

No... I didn't write this. This was my sister-in-law's Facebook update this evening. 

Okay... she's notorious for writing somewhat inappropriate Facebook status updates.  Many bug me.  This is just the most recent.

Reading this makes me angry.  How can someone blatantly disregard and invalidate other people's feelings and issues without understanding context?

Yes. People complain.  Obviously, she's no exception.  Neither am I.  But, just because you're not going through something like an earthquake or nuclear meltdown, it doesn't mean a person's feelings are any less important than any others. 

Yes.  Perspective is important. Recognising that some of the things we moan about as a society may not be matters of life and death is part of this perspective.  However, we can't completely ignore our cultural understanding.  Things that may seem small on a global 'worry list' still may be very important within our cultural context.

Everyone has a different experience and is in a different space in their development and understanding of how the world works. You can't invalidate their feelings just because they don't conform to your own.

I have NO idea why she wrote this update... And, I'm not going to ask.  I'll just grit my teeth, and hope her words don't reflect what society in general thinks.  I'd like to think that people are more understanding of others and not so quick to judge.

1 comment:

  1. Sending you hugs.... You are right, people are quick to judge - myself included, but we should try not to until we walk a mile in someone else's shoes... until then we have no idea what they are going through or how it effects them, no matter how inconsequetial we may feel their complaints are...

    but then maybe she just doesn't feel like she is in the spotlight at the moment and needs to trample everyone around her to make sure she gets back there... you know there is nothing better than kicking someone when they are down!

    Don't take any notice of her at all, I know its hard not to let her get to you, but you need to take care of you 1st and foremost so that you can take care of your own family.

    love you and sending more hugs!
