Saturday, January 21, 2012

Goodbye dear Snoopy

Tonight, I watched a doctor put my brother's cat, Snoopy, down.  Snoopy had been sick for about a year and a half, and my brother and partner did everything they could to save him. They would give injections and IV's. This cat was their baby... Pure and simple.

They loved this little kitty from the moment they laid eyes on his black body with a little tuft of white fur on his chin and his feet and adopted him on the spot.  Snoopy proved to be a lovely companion. Always there to make them smile, even on darker days. Snoopy would play peek-a-boo and loved toys, especially 'bananas' and straws. This kitty was a cuddler, who loved to be held. A part of the family.

Yesterday, we dropped him off at the vet's, with the hope he would survive just a little longer, because my brother's partner is out of town until next week. Sadly, the call came. He had a heart attack, and we should be there as soon as possible. When we arrived, he was in an incubator with an oxygen mask on. Not moving. Barely acknowledging us.  We made it just in time.

Thankfully, my brother had a chance to cuddle him one last time and felt him go limp in his arms. And, with a small injection into his IV, little Snoopy, who graced us with his life for seven years,  was gone.

My brother is devastated.  This is just so sad. I'm just glad we could be there to say goodbye to this precious little creature.


  1. Hugs to everyone especially your brother and R!

    Its never easy to loose a furbaby no matter how long or how little they were part of our lives. They always know how to latch on to that special place in all our hearts, where they will be forever!

    Though Snoopy may have crossed over the rainbow bridge, he will be waiting there patiently until his humans come for him again!

  2. Thanks, honey. I'll pass on your message. Steven is so devastated, and I don't think Rob knows yet (he's scheduled to come back from Cuba on Saturday). Many hugs!

    I told Snoopy not to worry. He'd get a chance to meet Grandpa, Seppy (our dog) and Salem's brother Otter. They'll take care of him on the other side.
