Sunday, May 29, 2011


T is 100% Daddy.

Daddy is a plumber/gasfitter, so his standard uniform is a t-shirt, with a buttoned shirt on top.

On Friday, as I was getting T ready to go to the dayhome, I helped him put on a t-shirt, then he insisted I help him put a buttoned shirt on top too.  When I finished the top button, he smiled at me and said, "I'm handsome.  I'm handsome like Daddy."  I agreed with him and gave him a great big hug.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Miracle babies

Last week, when I finally took the little guy swimming again, I met the most beautiful little girl.  The nine month old, with big blue eyes, was so curious and couldn't stop smiling.

As Moms tend to do, we started to share our kid stories.  I learned that when the Mom was in her early 40s, she tried everything to conceive a child, and nothing happened. She and her husband gave up, and she followed her career path.  She excelled at work and was even offered a position in France.  Surprisingly, at 47, she discovered she was pregnant (totally unplanned and unexpected), and the world changed.  She finally conceived the baby she desperately wanted - the little girl playing before us.

It was obvious that this tiny miracle was going to do something special with her life and was an amazing gift.

When I hear stories like this or read stories about babies who are born despite struggles to conceive, like Calamity Jen's, it reinforces what miracles and gifts little babies are and that they should never be taken for granted.  It also reminds us that miracles can happen even when all hope is seemingly gone.  The world would be a much better place if more miracles could happen for people who would make loving parents.  And, I'm always praying for miracles.

Friday, May 13, 2011

Trying something new... sort of

Let's face it.  Being a somewhat large woman, organized sports or activities are frightening.  I'm clumsy, awkward and don't readily fit into the entire choreographed activity thing.

However, because I've been sick and not feeling any better, I decided I needed to try something to regain my strength.  I thought yoga might be a way to start.  For a person who isn't an insect stick figure and can barely touch her toes, the very act of signing up for a class - albeit a drop-in class - was terrifying.  Intimidated by the prospect, I still signed up on Tuesday for a 'beginner class' which runs on Fridays - with the hopes it would help my recovery.

I woke up this morning with a sense of dread.  Maybe I could find a way to get out of class today.  T did have a stuffy nose.  Maybe I could say my son was sick, and I could bail.  Besides, T REALLY wanted to go swimming - an activity far more appealing to me, as long as my little man was with me. Panic, panic, panic.  But, wait, I thought to myself.  I don't have yoga clothes or a yoga mat. Argh.  Yes. I did find stuff to wear... and if I needed a mat, I'm sure the registration lady would have mentioned it.

So, I dropped off my boy at the dayhome and ran some errands.  I was running behind, and worried I'd be late.  I returned to my Mom's, put on my outfit (vowed NEVER to wear this out in public unless I was going to a yoga class), and drove to the studio with my anxiety levels increasing the closer I got to my destination.

The class was scheduled for 2:00, and I arrived 10 minutes early.  I told the receptionist that I made it in pretty good time.  She looked confused.  What are you here for? Yoga.  Oops... she said.  I forgot to call you.  The class was cancelled today because the instructor was sick.

So much for my courage.  Sigh.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011


I know so many people going through such angst, heartache, strife and stress right now, that I sure don't feel sorry for those with a litany of First World complaints. Please cram some Perspective Pie down yon gullets.

No... I didn't write this. This was my sister-in-law's Facebook update this evening. 

Okay... she's notorious for writing somewhat inappropriate Facebook status updates.  Many bug me.  This is just the most recent.

Reading this makes me angry.  How can someone blatantly disregard and invalidate other people's feelings and issues without understanding context?

Yes. People complain.  Obviously, she's no exception.  Neither am I.  But, just because you're not going through something like an earthquake or nuclear meltdown, it doesn't mean a person's feelings are any less important than any others. 

Yes.  Perspective is important. Recognising that some of the things we moan about as a society may not be matters of life and death is part of this perspective.  However, we can't completely ignore our cultural understanding.  Things that may seem small on a global 'worry list' still may be very important within our cultural context.

Everyone has a different experience and is in a different space in their development and understanding of how the world works. You can't invalidate their feelings just because they don't conform to your own.

I have NO idea why she wrote this update... And, I'm not going to ask.  I'll just grit my teeth, and hope her words don't reflect what society in general thinks.  I'd like to think that people are more understanding of others and not so quick to judge.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Making lemonade

Sick leave sucks.

I'm not a fan of sitting still, so being on sick leave kinda truly sucks.

For the most part, the little guy is at the dayhome next door to my Mom's. But, I feel guilty for not spending more quality time with him. So, I decided earlier this week that after my appointment today, I would take him 'swimming'. I went by my brother's house to pick up our swimming things (I really should be more organized), and on the drive back to pick up the munchkin, I noticed most of the lights along the main streets were out (including traffic lights). Of course, swimming pool A is along that route. I suspected the electricity in that neighbourhood was out or limited, so I thought we'd go to swimming destination B.

As T and I were driving to destination B, I noticed the traffic to the off-ramp was backed up considerably... I decided to keep driving and see how bad it really was... REALLY BAD... backed up for several kms.

So, I groaned. T was really excited about going swimming, and I didn't want to let him down.

I quickly called the local number to confirm that swimming pool A was closed... and I was right.

Hmm... What to do? What to do? I didn't want to spoil his special afternoon by not doing something special (esp. because I pulled him out of the dayhome where he was having fun dancing around). We then drove to the movie theatre near our home. Poo... The first movie wasn't set to start until early evening.

Okay... I started muttering about lemons... Then I remembered a rec centre near my father-in-laws. So, I drove over there. Fingers crossed.

We arrived. It was open and had multiple areas where we could practice our 'swimming.' What a relief! So, the little guy and I enjoyed our newly discovered recipe for the form of a local rec centre.

Friday, March 18, 2011

Officially off sick

Battling this virus and trying to minimise work-related stress has contributed to my neurological issues, so now I'm on sick leave until I feel better. I hope this fog lifts quickly. It's hard to feel sick and be a Mom of an active and energetic three year old. I can't meet his needs as much as I feel I should. But, I know I have to get better - if not for my own sake, for his.

Not sure how long I'll be off - at least until the end of the month, when I see my own doctor and complete insurance forms. When you're accustomed to working almost all of the time, sick leave isn't a welcome respite. It's a time wrought with guilt for not being able to get things done - either at the office or at home. All I want to do is get better, so things can go back to normal... My normal at least.

My fingers are crossed for a speedy recovery.

Friday, March 11, 2011

A few observations

Here are a few thoughts from today.

This week, I was off sick, still trying to fight the virus that T and I had in mid-February (still not better). I stayed at my Mom's for more than a week. Only a couple coworkers said I hope you feel better soon. Now how's that for the warm fuzzies? (To be fair, I'm not sure how many people knew I was away sick, and I get embarassed about being sick... so maybe this is an irrelevant point).

However...the Second Cup lady noticed that T and I hadn't been by for our hot chocolate for an entire week. Sigh.

But... Being sick means you lose weight without even trying. I'm down more than 10 pounds!

Argh... It's possible to "read" a book without reading a page. I started to read a book yesterday - I'm even about a quarter way through - and I have no idea what I read or what the book is about.

Huh?... Why is it that your hair never looks as good as it does when you leave the salon?

Next... Now that we're back at my brother's, my son brought be a carton of eggs. I was starting to question my sanity, wondering if I bought too many eggs, then I decided to check the fridge. Imagine my surprise to discover he took one dozen eggs that were in the fridge egg holder and placed them in the carton. Then, he decided to put the carton back into the Farmer's Market cart. Pretty cute and somewhat funny.

And... Sometimes, a short message can put a smile on your face. I received a FB message from someone I usually don't hear from, and it made me happy.

Then...It's nice to be home. Even if it is my temporary home. It's great to be surrounded by our own stuff... at least some of our stuff.

And, finally... My heart hurts for those in Japan right now. The earthquakes and tsunamis today are horrifying.